Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Apple's 11 most intriguing computer designs

Apple's 11 most intriguing computer designs - PC world

Sort of funny, PC world talks about mac
The first time I touched apple I hated it. That probably was in 1998, and the model, in retrospect, looked like Apple IIe. Compared to the PCs available around that time (or the sgi I was mostly using) , the old mac was rather sloooow, at least that was my impression - but it's very likely that those particular machines were not in good conditions. 

My official time with mac started in 2004, when I went straight to OSX and objective C in Powerbook G4. Since then I've never seriously used PCs. I'm thinking, maybe I never will.


黑羊 said...


燕子飞时 said...

but I'm not, and I do prefer apple!
it's just so darn expensive! T_T

小胖 said...


燕子飞时 said...

