Monday, March 30, 2009

John Dowling

Today I get to meet John Dowling, a big figure in vision research at the retinal level. Oh Vision, in the remote memory, it was such a sacred and enchanted word! Dowling's name was of course in text book when I was an undergrad. So when I saw the flyer of his talk, I signed up for "lunch with the speaker". And I'm so glad that I did! The seminar was terrific. It was very clear, all key points laid out perfectly probably even for outsiders to understand.

But it was during the lunch that I began to like him more! I have this queer thing that I can't truly appreciate someone, whether an artist, a writer, an actor, or even a scientist, until I see or get a glimpse of their, shall I say, souls. To me talent is great, but heart is much more important. Believe it or not, there are not many out there who have the combination of both. Dr. Dowling is clearly amiable, kind and an excellent mentor to young students. When occasionally a somewhat naive questions was raised, he simply answered them with patience and clarity. When it was my turn to talk about "what my research is about", I let myself go and mentioned the unfortunate event with the monkey and my choice to stay way from animal research at least for now. I thought someone like him would be thinking "what a weak gal, clearly not cut out to be a scientist". Instead he showed genuine understanding of my feelings and perhaps even some sympathy. He was so poised and I felt calmed down inside. And it was not just me, he was so wonderfully nice to everyone. Later in fact, Stelios told me that back at the time when he was a student at Harvard, Dowling and his wife were, on top of everything, taking care of allocation management of student dormitory! Can you imagine that?!

Still active in academic research, Dr. Dowling started his career way early, during the golden, legendary time of neuroscience, so to speak. He told us stories about how Dr. Keffer Hartline chose the famous Horseshoe crab as a working model for vision. It turned out that in this species the optic nerves are not only easily accessible from the top, but also not sheathed so that different nerve fibers can be separated. Young horseshoe crabs, while smaller in size, have bigger ERGs than adult fellows (whose optic nerve fibers turn out to go through degeneration). It was due to this reason Hartline spent a whole summer trying to separate single nerve from young horseshoe crabs, without any luck. Toward the every end of that summer, however, one day he went to the animal facility and found that all the small crabs were gone. He struggled between calling the thing off, spending the rest of the two days on the beach and trying it out on a big crab. Of course we know what choice great scientist like him would make under the circumstance: he went with the crab. Within 15 min, Hartline isolated a single optic nerve fiber. In retrospect, that were probably still a bundle which contained only one fiber that was still alive. Nevertheless, the event opened the door to a new world. Later with more practice Hartline soon achieved true single fiber isolation!

Another story about the beginning of the zebra fish era. Initially Dowling was using white perch caught in the wild. But one winter on the east coast they just couldn't catch any at the usual spots. So they turned to some new breed which was a cross between perhaps white perch and brass fish. They soon noticed that individual variability of the new batch was substantially smaller than before and realized the importance to have model animals that were raised in controlled environment. Then they discovered the lovely zebra fish! And the rest of the science community of course learned the lesson too!

I consider myself a passionate person. In fact I don't think I can survive without enthusiasms or hopes for them. My awkward current situation is that I feel like a broken, leaking bag of zest. I suck up zeal, whether it's a note from a friend, a beautiful flower in the wind, or a truly magnificent human being. I think I'm still too weak and unbalanced to hold it without constant new supplies. Nevertheless, I'm very happy to catch the light whenever I can!

Speaking of light, another delightful note is that three years after my ceiling light was gone (the bulb burned out and I was never in the mood nor tall enough to replace it), I got it back this evening! Haha, my room is so bright at night! I can live without it, but it's definitely better to live with it!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Weary Spring

Nah, Spring is good. It is I who am weary.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Epiphyllum oxypetalum

Epiphyllum oxypetalum
XP, 03/27/09

In fact, she blooms for perpetuity;
after lighting my eyes in darkness,
her candor smile goes on in another realm,
joining with her own destiny.
I had wished otherwise,
but my friend, I am not sorry.
I know how happy she will be,
and I will hold the miracles of the past night
in a secret corner of my silent memory.



Thursday, March 26, 2009

More practice


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Practice on night scene




『娱乐八卦』 [八卦江湖]我家楼下的流浪猫今天送了我一只老鼠~



Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A beautiful malentendu

I love birds, or maybe more truthfully, I've always been fascinated by birds. Being in the city though, I don't get to see many birds close by except pigeons. The most commonly seen pigeons around the city, I'd say, are rock pigeons. They are all right. The way they fly is just as impeccable. But in this twisted dreamy head of mine, I sometimes feel rueful that they seem to be a bit too stocky and strong-colored for my ideal image of birds. ( to be continued)

round fountain


waterfall at night


A Cloudy Evening

A peek to another world

Wait and Hope



Sunday, March 22, 2009








Incredible Animal Photos (Collected)

These photos are collected from the internet. I'm sorry that there's no way for me to individually identify the sources. I thank deeply the photographers who made these incredible moments permanent, and hope it's all right to share them with a small number of friends here. Should any one find this inappropriate, please do leave a not and let me know right away. Thanks.

I call this collection: C'est La Vie

Funny & Cute -

Love & Friendship

Just Beautiful -

Friday, March 20, 2009

Officially Spring

So 10:44 this morning was the exact moment of Spring equinox. Thanks to facebook, I learned from a couple of friends with Iranian lineage that the Persian New Year is in fact Spring equinox. I think this is neat. In theory the Chinese New Year also celebrates the Spring, but to me it's more like a symbol saying "OK, the Spring is going to come in three months." Not that I don't like our own traditional festival, I just think the idea of setting the new year as the time when the Spring actually arrives refreshing.

I like the Spring, especially after all the cold and dark nightmares. She is a promise that will always be kept, that she will come back again, that flowers will blossom always once more. Well this is not a time to get sentimental. Just laugh and enjoy her presence now, and wait for the next one!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


The Past

Have been rather depressed since last weekend. Yesterday was particularly bad. I was so angry and scared, if what happened a couple of weeks ago recur, I seriously think I might go officially insane this time. Anyway for now, it's past, and I'm happy that I'm not hopelessly sad or irked at the moment. whoopie!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Foggy Day

Sun in the fog
From iTake

Road in the fog
From iTake

Sun comes out, flowers blooming, still
From iTake

The red ones
From iTake

I think they look like tears
From iTake

Sky and cloud are all beautiful again - probably because they carry no memory of the past
From iTake

Hedgehog and Duck

So apparently there is a hedgehog who doesn't have any spine left, likely due to some skin illness. The consequence is that he looks like a small potato (hence the name "Spud" probably) and is more or less defenseless against cold weather or predators. But Spud is definitely the luckiest spineless hedgehog in the world, for someone found him in the garden and sent him to a wildlife hospital - last August. The caring staff in the hospital, while patiently waiting for his spines to grow back if possible at all, regularly bathed and massaged Spud in addition to provide food and lodge. Under the posted news, I even saw a comment from Australia saying "if nobody wants him, he can live with me." You know I'm almost jealous of the little Spud, for I feel like a spineless hedgehog left in the wild...

link to the Spud story

OK and the duck. Her name is Essy. The extraordinary thing about Essy is that she doesn't think of herself as a duck. Instead, she behaves as if she is God spelled backwards - a dog. She acts like one, and she hangs out with others. Lucky for this confused duck, her current owners, or care-takers, along with their two real dogs, love her unconditionally no matter who she thinks she is. Essy actually takes a lead in their daily stroll, and the two dog companions not only slow down to a pace with which she can catch up, but also walk on either side of her like two body guards. How cool is that! And yes they, mostly Essy, get a lot of attention in those little parades.

link to the Duck story

Having expressed my jealousy, I hereby claim that I do realize the cruelty of life with which most wild animals, as well as some raised by human, live.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A rainy day

From iTake

Marvin, dear old Marvin, how did you do it for over 570,000,000,000 years?

How did you hold on when no one truly cared about you, when everybody abandoned you, ignoring your desperate cry for help ? You hanged on, whereas anything else that was remotely intelligent couldn't when they "felt" what you'd been through. I just can't imagine how.

The past is never gone, and it never will. It made you who you were, a gloomy, depressed being who suffered through all eternity. Strangely a lot of people outside of that imaginary world like you. I don't know why. Some of the possible reasons that I don't want to believe are so dreadful.

Anyhow, I like you because you make me feel that perhaps I'm not completely lonely. But of course I feel bad about thinking that way. If things can start over, I would rather to be completely lonely. And no I will not hang on as you did. As beautiful as the world can be, it's not worth it.

Thursday, March 12, 2009



不过三个主角并不是普通的鸭子,而是-蓝鸭(blue duck)。蓝鸭只出产于新西兰,生活在水流湍急的山溪边,蛮有诗意的吧。现在由于伟大人类的搅合,蓝鸭成了濒危动物,还是就老家的情况而言。所以,我们就能想像,那些独自在外面奋斗的蓝鸭,该有多么珍贵了。比如,在整个英国,一共只有三只蓝鸭,偏偏又都是鸭中龙凤,品貌超群。这三只蓝鸭,就是我们的主角。


三只蓝鸭之中,有一只是母的,叫Cherry(樱桃),故事就是从她开始的。做为全英国唯一的母蓝鸭(并且是一只很有魅力的母蓝鸭),Cherry肩负着很沉重很崇高的使命-延续英国蓝鸭的血脉。Arundel Wetland动物保护所的鸭保姆们对Cherry寄予了多么大的希望呀!他们先把一只叫Jerry的公鸭介绍给Cherry(大家放心,这个血缘关系肯定是五代以外了),呃,其实是关在一起企图来个事实婚姻。几年过去了,事实是,。。。什么事实也没发生。Cherry没相中Jerry,Jerry也没相中Cherry。两只见面也不尴尬,和平共处。

于是,组织上把Jerry赶到隔壁,隆重推出另外一只公鸭Ben。这次Cherry有点感觉了,发出了“你可以追我”的信号。但是!Ben他装傻!不理会!大人们绝望之中又把Jerry给送回来。终于,爱情发生了!不消讲了,Ben和Jerry一见钟情,从此形影不离!比如,一起散步,一起吹着爱的口哨。全英国的人都从四面八方来看望他们。大家都说,他们很漂亮,很有性格。这就是缘分啊!保护所的大人不知道怎么起的名字,Ben & Jerry是美国一个冰淇淋的牌子呀,叫起来多么顺口,多么般配!



原文链接 telegraph

BBC sausage-dog pony

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Simply Amazing

Another cool sand art
Buddhist Art and Ritual from Nepal and Tibet

OK this one is totally unrelated, but I think it's funny. Well and I think that I think it's funny is a good thing.

Monday, March 9, 2009


white moon

flower in the wind

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A March Saturday Morning

A March Saturday Morning

a small flower bed commonly seen in residential areas close to where I live
From iTake

a yellow flower
From iTake

bush flower
From iTake

another kind of common small flowers that I always like
From iTake

I have a thing for flowers, especially those that we see every day by the road (or wild flowers). I'm not sure how many people have really paid attention to them or appreciated their existence. Well they are definitely joy, sometimes meaning of life, to me. They are laid out on a shallow layer of special soil, and are supposed to blossom as long as they can. When their time is up, people simply replace them. I guess with my scientific mind I doubt they have the ability to think or feel, but I choose to believe that they live their short lives happily, and know that it is all worthwhile.

this is at one of the several plazas in Chinatown, I think the cobble stone thing is pretty neat
From iTake

a rather charming fountain decoration in front of a bank
From iTake

from another angle, with flower bed. do you see the sky in the window reflection? one thing about sky is that nothing can distort it.
From iTake

who has not loved dandelions and played with their seeds as a kid? when you grow up, when you find it lonely and missing half of its heart, would you still like it? I do.
From iTake

next is a lake by beltway 8, a place that gives me comfort in my darkest moments.
From iTake

From iTake

From iTake

wild flowers by the lake
From iTake

From iTake

From iTake

water bird flying. yes I have a thing for birds too
From iTake

From iTake

From iTake

From iTake

goodbye sky, see you every day
From iTake

说明一下,这些图片被Picasa处理小了,特别是湖的片片,直接去相册选择slide show,可以看见比较清晰的大图,然后就能看到飞翔的水鸟了~